The Archives have landed! Jim Haynes, the man who helped start the Ed Fringe, Ed Bookfest, Traverse Theatre finds a home away from home.

After three long years of packing, taping, boxing, crating and shipping ver 130 crates of materials from Paris –  letters from David Bowie’s people, Sylvia Beach, Alex Trocchi – to miles of taped conversations with the likes of John Lennon & James Baldwin – to name a very few – I’ve finally managed to get a significant part of Edinburgh & Paris literary/theatre history housed at Edinburgh Napier University.

We’ve set up a web site: and just had a sold-out launch at the Edinburgh Book Festival. We’ll be curating events as we actively bring this amazing trove of history forward for online access and public display.

Phew. Stay tuned.

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August 2016 • Martin Belk launches the Jim Haynes Living Archive
and Haynes’ new book World Citizen at home in Paris at the
Edinburgh International Book Festival
and Edinburgh Napier University.

Belk continues as editor/publisher for Haynes’ entire back catalogue,
including ‘Handshake Editions’ as well.